Hello Pansy Patchers! It has definitely been a long dark winter! Thank you for keeping in touch on our social media platforms. We know many of you are raring to get back to the PiNC centre and we can’t wait to welcome you back to the garden!
We understand how difficult the past few months have been for many, with the lack of light and the cold weather, along with being isolated from our loved ones. We are putting plans in place now so the centre and the garden can get back up and running as soon as we are allowed by our government.
I know from personal experience, having suffered with anxiety and being a seasonal sufferer of SAD, how challenging winter can be and how healing and relaxing it is to work outdoors. Gardening has saved my mental bacon on many an occasion!
We want to assure you that we will be open again as soon as we can. In the meantime, if you have a small area outdoors at home, please try to make the most of it now things are getting a bit more spring like. If you have a park, get out for a walk, or if you are lucky enough to live by water, you could even try a wild swim (make sure to swim safely and with other people!).
If you would like to get your hands dirty, please get in touch and we can supply you with seeds, soil and pots to start growing things from home. You can nurture your own green babies and either plant them out in your garden or pots at home, or bring them to the PP once we open and help us plant our MANY new planters! If you can’t come to the Patch, we can help bring an MPP (Mini Pansy Patch) to you!
Feel free to get in touch at stevie@carlislelgbtq@gmail.com if you would like to start growing, or if you need help and support over the lockdown.
Be kind, stay positive and keep growing! xxx