Today the weather was a bit miserable but we didn’t let that dampen our spirits .up went the gazebo so our volunteers could start their designs on the drag queen heads Which are looking fabulous we now have miss Lavender curly box no name for our other drag queen so open to suggestions Pop down and tell us what you think . We were also given a rather large conifer tree which looks good on our patch . Be good to see you next week lots of tea and cake what’s not to like .
Come and hang out online , chat to people in a safe environment and find out what’s happening round and about If you would like an invite to the server please email with your name, d.o.b and discord user name and we can send you the link

LGBT Language and archives blog
Follow the link and see what we have found out, a bit of LGBT history. This project has been funded by the Herritage lottery
Update on pansy patch
Today we had a general tidy up weeding pathways and bedding boxes . All drag queen planters are now up and ready to be designed so if your feeling creative pop down and get creative next week be good to see you . Also planted the last planter with various plants and bulbs . A wicker flamingo has being filled with compost ready to be planted with bulbs it’s gonna be fabulous . Princess Johnny is our first drag queen head that’s being designed and is now watching over the pansy patch